St. Olavs 2021, day 6

The last day’s stage took us straight to the suburbian Trondheim from the Sverresborg side of things. The streets snake generously down towards the downtown while the weary pilgrims pretty much maintain eye contact with their destination.

Of course, nobody will ask you in the end, why you walked all those kilometers and, let me tell you, I wouldn’t’ve known what to say. Even though my closest theory would be “to see what we’re capable of in terms of hiking and sleeping rough”, nonetheless, when you ascend from the bank of Nidelva up to the cathedral, it does fill you with a certain sense of awe and solemnity.

We chose to arrive on a Sunday in the middle of the Olavsdagene – basically, the celebration of St.Olav, and the area was pretty packed with people going about yheir leizure, so it was easy to feel happy about being there. The sun was shining and the Piligrim’s office added the proverbial cherry on top of the cake, by very officially registering us in their books, checking our pilgrims’ passports and issuing our certificates. They really couldn’t have been nicer about receiving us.

So, that was officially done and finished, adventure over. Time to wash off the road’s dust in the showers and pools of Britannia – quite possibly Trondheim’s finest hotel. Yes, they did let us in, even with backpacks and trekking poles.

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