
The hike might have been harder than we’d originnaly thought – with heavy packs and with dog, it was a bit of work to get up there. Especially when we somehow decided to not follow the DNT signage and took the right turn to what must be an older version of one part of the path. Do NOT do that, especially if you have kids or a dog in tow, or a heavy backpack or both.

No, don’t listen to the lady, follow the DNT signage

The old path to the right requires some sure-footedness and is potentially a bit dangerous. Some parts are “equipped” with a chain, but that thing looks like it’s been in some disrepair for a while, so could be worse than nothing, honestly.

The “official” path is a bit longer but presents no problem for anyone.

The parking lot at Melbøsætra was crowded and the other one (at Barstadsætra) even worse. So we’ve been wondering for a while whether we would even find a spot for the tent. There were people at the Storevatnet lake, but no big problems finding a spot.

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