Camping at Eikesdalsvatnet

It’s a bit hard to define this place: it’s not exactly eerie, but it does have this hint of “everybody just up and left, either the day before yesterday or a decade ago”. There’s a ferry terminal from the last century adorned by the rusting carcass of one of the ferry boats, there’s what looks like remains of an open air village discoteque, there are tractor roads and paths that come from nowhere and lead to nothing.

Nonetheless, we were tired after the hike to Mardalsfossen (which you can also see from here), and the forest looked cosy, flat and dry, so here we stayed, as it didn’t look like ghosts of disco-goers would come to bother us here (they didn’t).

First time camping for Peppi the dog! Great success: like she’s been doing this every week.


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