St. Olavs 2021, day 1

Once the initial shock of having to switch from sitting in the air conditioned car to walking with a heavy backpack wears off, we find ourselves on a dusty sidewalk of Berkåk, a tiny fleck of a village somewhere where E6 highway meets the railroad tracks. See, the very first plan involved a train to get back to the car, that’s why Berkåk.

So this here is our life for the coming week. A ton of stuff strapped to our backs, click-click of the trekking poles and as much Trøndelag around us as one can only wish. I don’t know how much that is, but it grows on you, don’t worry.

The first stage is quite fitting for its purpose: trying to detach itself from the warm asphalt in several seemingly failing attempts, it at least takes us away from the highway and introduces to Orkla, to fish in which you certainly need a law degree, regulated as it is.

First day, first night in the tent, first Real turmat dinner, check.

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