
The hike and the climb are convenient and rather easy especially if you are used with this kind of thing. It starts out rather flat and at one point (maybe, 1km in or so?) becomes a rather relentless incline which remains same all the way up to the caves.

The two caves that are “popular” are rather pleasant even for someone who normally doesn’t like caves too much. The lowest one gives a very wholesome caving experience without any sense of exceeding danger. It’s relatively spacious, dark (bring a torch, you) and ends in a basin with a waterfall and enough natural light to take a spectacular Instagram photo (which is why you might suddenly see half-naked people in there – we did).

The third one, however (it is not that easy to find unless you read some descriptive texts or look at some maps with entrances marked) – honestly, to hell with it. I never would have dreamt of diving into an opening in the ground that looks like a rabbit hole, not after reading as many cave horror stories as I did. So I blame my wife for ending up down there. Yes, there’s a rope and all in all it’s probably not dangerous, but I am left with a feeling I’ve done something I shouldn’t have after climbing down there and coming back up. For some reason it doesn’t look bad when you see the rope and the descent is mild and all that. But it really kicks in on the way up, when you don’t see the exit until the last couple of meters and instead, if somebody is in front of you, you can see how little extra volume there is around an average person’s body. Don’t go into that one even if you find it.

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