Vasstrandsegga + Høgekubben

The first 2,5km are a wide and relatively easy (actually, quite steep, if I’m completely honest) ascent to the creatively named Langevatnet (The Long Lake) along a gravel road. From up there you have a selection of destinations to various summits, out of which we chose two, with a stop for some food in between.

It should be noted that Høgekubben and Høgkubben are two different summits on the same mountain, and to be honest, after briefly looking at the map, I thought we will get to the latter, only to see something rather different when we got there. (I have been there before, starting at another end of the mountain). Høgekubben is further to the east and actually slightly taller than Høgkubben. The view is anyway better from Vasstrandsegga.

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