Category: Camping


The hike might have been harder than we’d originnaly thought – with heavy packs and with dog, it was a bit of work to get up there. Especially when we somehow decided to not follow the DNT signage and took the right turn to what must be an older...

Svartløkken overnatting

Magical place, but my word – the amount of mosquitoes this time. Not really mosquitoes, though – what do you call knott in English? Horrible swarming bloodsucking bastards. Dinner wasn’t too much fun 🙁 Sleeping here is always delightful, though....

Camping at Eikesdalsvatnet

It’s a bit hard to define this place: it’s not exactly eerie, but it does have this hint of “everybody just up and left, either the day before yesterday or a decade ago”. There’s a ferry terminal from the last century adorned by the rusting carcass of one of...

Camping at Brillevatnet (Romedalen)

Mark the date in the history books, kids: this is when the proper tourism started. All we had to go by to learn about the beautiful Romedalen valley was this blog post here (pay attention, written by some actual outdoorsy people). Then, after some pecking at the map we...

Skodjebro og Haugtua

Epic adventure that included camping in the Skodjebro (old Skodje bridges) area with fishing for our own supper and on the next day a trip up to Haugtua, followed by a cup of tea at the fabulous Storfjord hotel. Basically, we just wanted to test the new Salewa -7...