Category: Hikes

Jønshornet (1419 moh.) from Vollane

For the sake of those who happen to stumble upon this through search, let me at once say that this hike definitely requires what Komoot likes to call “sure-footedness”. There’s quite a bit of rather difficult landscape involved, and after a bit of ascent (so you’re tired by then)....


The hike might have been harder than we’d originnaly thought – with heavy packs and with dog, it was a bit of work to get up there. Especially when we somehow decided to not follow the DNT signage and took the right turn to what must be an older...

Vasstrandsegga + Høgekubben

The first 2,5km are a wide and relatively easy (actually, quite steep, if I’m completely honest) ascent to the creatively named Langevatnet (The Long Lake) along a gravel road. From up there you have a selection of destinations to various summits, out of which we chose two, with a...

Godøy – Storhornet

Godøy is bigger than it seems, almost every time! But this hike is actually a rather optimal one for someone who is trying to be careful. Only a bit is a rather steep incline and quite a lot is very well paved surfaces. The descent towards the west used...

Sukkertoppen fra Osane

First time we’re coming up here from this side. The path starts as a very convenient gravel path, although this time one complication is the gigantic construction site (Osane idrettshall) and you have to cross a patch of wooded terrain along the fence around the site – to the...


The hike and the climb are convenient and rather easy especially if you are used with this kind of thing. It starts out rather flat and at one point (maybe, 1km in or so?) becomes a rather relentless incline which remains same all the way up to the caves....

Klausethornet, 669moh. (Midsundtrappene)

This is the one with all the mushrooms. Подосиновик is Rødskrubb or Eikeskrubb or Ospeskrubb in Norwegian. Birch Bolete in English, apparently, although – why is birch here? ‘Cause there’s also Подберезовик (which is more birch-related, then?) which is also a “skrubb” in Norwegian (Brunskrubb?) Easy to get confused,...

Frostatind, 807moh.

This is the third time we’re here, now in the company of 2 friends visiting via Servas. Those two are super fit so we fly up the summit and beat all the records. Also, used different paths to get up and down. Up there it is worth paying attention...